Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Methyl mercury, in moderation?

Finally, a little clarity on whether or not those super-healthy omega-3 fatty acids found in fish are worth the risk of ingesting dangerous levels of mercury.
This article even has a nifty little chart.
However, it's been noted that one can see the hand of the formidable tuna lobby in the refusal to rule out a popular product like canned white albacore, even for pregnant women.
And judging by the very high levels of mercury in large predatory fish, I'd personally stay away from them regardless of my age, gender, or reproductive status, not that I've ever been very tempted to eat shark or tilefish, anyway.
It seems like focusing on yummier seafood with low mercury and high omega-3 levels, like salmon and blue crabs, might be the way to go...

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