Wednesday, October 11, 2006

The Justice Cortex

Based merely on the study as it is summarized in this article, though, should the region of the brain that apparently evaluates fairness be associated with "morality" (in the form of righteous indignation) or simply delayed gratification?
(Although I believe some have argued that delayed gratification is synonymous with morality, so maybe that's a moot point.)
But a long-term strategist somewhere back in our evolutionary history may have been clever enough to punish unfair division of resources by refusing his or her sliver of woolly mammoth meat with a huff and roll of the eyes -- maybe even a prehistoric temper tantrum -- cunningly wagering that it might be worth it in the long run if, next time, it paid off with a bigger share of the pie.
I also wonder if self-conceived notions of where one stands in a group hierarchy might play into one's reactions to being apparently cheated.

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