Tuesday, October 31, 2006

John Kerry: Oh, the humanity

So John Kerry read a bad joke the wrong way and ended up insulting the academic achievement of American troops in Iraq, rather than his intended target, George Bush, the architect of the plan that got us "stuck in Iraq."
Whether it was a misreading (not studying hard enough before the stump speech?) or a Freudian slip, either way, it played right into the hands of the very never-worn-the-uniform "Republican hacks" Kerry has been criticizing for their "swiftboat-style" attacks on Dem congressional candidates. Ah, deja vu.
Listening to him defend himself this afternoon was just painful -- the frustrated rage of someone who's been put in the same corner one time too many, but with nothing to do about it.

Will this halt the Democrat momentum?
Will it be 2004 all over again?
Will John Kerry go to "joke school"? ("Sure," he told some dude in the press corps)
And what about Fox vs. Limbaugh; D. Cheney vs. Rangel, L. Cheney vs. Blitzer, Harold Ford, Jr. vs. Miss October?
Will someone just send me an absentee ballot and then wake me on November 8?

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