Sunday, October 01, 2006

If you don't have anything nice to say...

So as anyone who has been frequenting this blog (if there are such people outside my own household :) may have noticed, I jumped to a new blogspot address, something a little shorter and catchier.
I chose not to go with my helpful shackmate's suggestion for the new address,, (it's available, incidentally) but his point was taken. I've been straying a bit from my moderate credo when it comes to topics of a partisan nature.
But sheesh, look at the material I have to work with...Even David Brooks is stretching to find chipper things to say about the 'pubs these days.
So this is going to be hard, but I've decided to take a week's holiday from talking smack about Republican politicians, just as a little experiment in moderation.
If I fail, I may just have to yield the middle ground and join the legions of lefty bloggers queueing up for the guest list of Bill Clinton's next blogger luncheon.
Either way, wish me luck.


Anonymous said...

I'm not sure there is such a thing as a moderate these days. Go ahead, knock the 'pubs dead.

Perhaps you should syndicate your blog through an rss feed so I might friend it over on livejournal.

eudaimonia said...

Looks like you managed to DIY. You rock. Thanks :)