Thursday, January 03, 2008

Welp, I was close...

... although completely wrong in saying that the top two would be "insanely close." In fact, both Obama and Huckabee had fairly commanding leads, given how close the race was expected to be among the top contenders. We're talking more than a percentage point here.

My original predictions (I had second thoughts on Paul vs. Thompson, but I do think they'll be justified in libertarian-minded New Hampshire) were pretty much in line with the results, except that I underestimated Obama's power to bring people out. I guess I'm not the only one. Still, I feel a bit ashamed of myself, even after hearing a speech that stirred something in me beyond the partisan or cerebral, (hope?) for not recognizing that he had it in him, and that Iowans had it in them. At this point, I'd be equally pleased to see Clinton and Obama take New Hampshire (and each have a good shot at it) but I'm not going to make any predictions :)

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