Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Breaking News: Florida GOP Voters Couldn't Care Less What Rush Limbaugh Thinks.

And with also-ran Giuliani's likely endorsement tomorrow, McCain's looking more and more like the nominee every day.

Is it possible that the majority of Republicans nationwide also don't care what Rush Limbaugh thinks?

That prospect is so heartening, it almost makes me forget for a second that I'm a Democrat.

Who's next, Pat Robertson? (Well, apparently so, since he endorsed Giuliani, and that worked out really well for him...)

In some areas (notably the war) Romney is more centrist than McCain; he's almost certainly more level-headed, is far better versed in economics, and (importantly) is probably way easier for either Clinton or Obama to beat in the Fall. So I guess I should be rooting for him over the Mav.

But anything that bursts Rush's balloon of imagined relevance can't help but make me smile.

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