Sunday, March 04, 2007

Unit 731

This article on Japanese biological warfare experiments on the Chinese during World War II makes me want to finally join Amnesty International, something I have been meaning to do for too long. This is truly horrifying (warning: the article is quite graphic) and one is always reminded in reading things like this that if they have been done at all by human beings, they could be done again, if power were to fall into the wrong hands. In parts of the world off this nation's radar, in fact, they could be happening now.
On that note, what's also horrifying is the fact that these war crimes, unlike those of the Nazis, were excused by the U.S. government in exchange for the research data (the Cold War mentality of getting a hold of it before the Soviets did.) And they were virtually unknown to the world community until after it was too late for the Chinese to seek legal redress for these particular crimes.

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