Sunday, March 11, 2007

Second Chance (search for this book by title, not author)

The author's name, Zbigniew Brzezinski, (who was the national security adviser to President Carter) doesn't exactly roll off the tongue. But he's a frequent guest (often along with Henry Kissinger, who affectionately refers to him as "Zbig") on the Sunday morning talk shows, and I've always been very impressed with his frank, well-expressed opinions on foreign policy. They seem like some of the soundest opinions around, so I'd feel safe recommending this new book just based on that, although I know it's a bad habit to recommend books one hasn't read yet... so little time in the day.

Anyway, since books are usually shelved by author, not title, there's always Amazon:
Second Chance: Three Presidents and the Crisis of American Superpower

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