Friday, November 07, 2008

New look

Yeah, change is in the air. I thought the blog's facelift made it look a bit less somber.

I'm also wondering if I've become a bit of a misnomer. It's pretty obvious I'm a damn liberal (or progressive, if you prefer), and now that liberals/progressives are being defined as "socialists," who knows what defines a moderate? But, as Obama has often been described as having a conservative temperament despite his politics, I maintain that I have always had a moderate temperament, given to occasional extremes... but always in moderation.

As to the brighter mood, sure, the economy's still in crisis. None of that has changed overnight. But genuine hope shouldn't be underestimated. It's been a long time since this country has been acquainted with it, and we might be pleasantly surprised what we can accomplish if we take an experimental vacation from cynicism.

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