Wednesday, March 05, 2008

What She Said

Lynn Harris in Salon -- Women and Clinton: Damned if they vote, damned if they don't?

Except I'm a little more ambivalent (for which, in itself, I feel I must apologize to someone; I'm not sure who; perhaps Hillary herself? ;) I voted; I gave money, but I haven't trekked down to Arlington to make phone calls. Guilt, guilt.

But voting is so personal, as is the level of one's investment in a candidate. What other ladies do isn't really my business. And gender isn't the only factor in this equation. Still, I can relate to Ms. Harris' points.

And so, now that she lives to fight another day, according to the rules her campaign had voiced via Bill, (and probably regretted for a while there) that she had to win both big states tonight, who knows what the hell will happen next? Besides Pennsylvania. And a lot more punditry. Maybe one more debate, or two.

I still daydream sometimes of that Clinton-Obama ticket... or some kind of alchemical synthesis.

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