Thursday, February 28, 2008

And speaking of Hillary's uphill climb...

... I almost felt bad about pinning the failure of the whole "inevitability/establishment" strategy on Mark "Microtrends" Penn, in this post back between Iowa and New Hampshire. There's something kind of mousy and endearing about Penn. He lacks the jovial Rovian arrogance, and he believes so deeply in his pet theory. And maybe that theory is perfectly valid for trend-watching in aspects of American culture with slightly less implications for the nation than choosing our next president, especially in these truly dire times.
But the thing is, I didn't like Penn's (and McAuliffe's, et al.) strategy even back when it was working, even when it looked take-it-to-the-bank solid, because I wanted Hills to be the change candidate. In so many ways, she is. But now, I guess she's not, because no one ever said she was. How did politics get dumbed down to this embarrassingly elementary level? What did the voters do to deserve being treated like a focus group?
I guess that's the problem, and one of the reasons why we so badly needs some change.
Thanks to Mr. X for the link:
Penn ain't mightier

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