Thursday, October 16, 2008

I'm not superstitious..

... but still, I hate to say it's in the bag for Obama.
As Colby King said on "Inside Washington" last week, we could still "have our hearts broken."
But after last night's debate, I'd say something dramatic would have to happen to lose it for him.
Knock on wood it doesn't, because it would have to be bigger than Jeremiah Wright, Bill Ayers, and ACORN, if that's the best they've got.
He may not have convinced Joe the Plumber, but he's convinced enough of the rest of us to relax a bit.
As if he's ever not relaxed, as Mark Shields was complaining last night. He moves us, but what moves him?
I see this as an attribute. We need a president who keeps his cool, in these times. And we could use someone who doesn't want it so damn bad (as McCain does, as Hillary did, and Bill, for her) but who's doing it, as with the old notion of the philosopher-king, out of a sense of calling or responsibility rather than personal ambition.

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