Sunday, September 07, 2008


So, yeah, I'm back from vacation, and I suppose I should weigh in on the Sarah Palin selection, after all the entries I spent mulling over Obama's VP decision process.
I mean, she's a woman, right? Shouldn't I be excited?
Well, I will sincerely grant that it's cool a woman is the running mate on a major party ticket. If only it were some other woman (even Condi Rice and Kay Bailey Hutchison are looking better, and that's saying a lot.)
But then I don't think there was actually much of a decision-making process with regard to this one... maybe a spur-of-the-moment "gut feeling" a la George Bush decision was made (in each case, gut = Karl Rove?) And like all things suspiciously Rovian, it could turn out to be genius... or it could turn out like the long, slow decline and fall of the Bush administration, only mercifully faster.
All I can say is that if they think former Hillary supporters are going to fall for this (yeah, there are always a few... but...) well, ladies, and West Virginians (and West Virginia ladies -- not leaving you out) please let's prove them wrong.

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