Saturday, September 27, 2008

And, the winner is...

... survey says... Obama!
From what I saw (I was technically parked in front of the television, but with my attention occasionally wandering toward other tasks like rearranging the bookshelf... Well it was 90 minutes, OK?) I would agree.
The pundits' consensus has been, and I would generally agree with them as well, that both candidates were on top of their material and both came across as sufficiently presidential, but neither of them completely dominated or had any killer takeaway lines.
However, Obama did seem a lot more cordial, less hostile to McCain than vice versa. Both have that tinge of arrogance, but, to be blunt, McCain seems a lot more likely to act like a jerk (to use the PG-rated term.) And whatever he may say about stubbornness, we've had our fill of jerk-iness in the White House lately, too.

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