Wednesday, May 07, 2008

Maybe it's time...

That's what George McGovern, Hillary's old mentor, said publicly, and apparently many others are saying privately.

So, since I dedicated one to Bill earlier, here's one for Hills. My co-worker had said this should be her theme song after the New Hampshire diner incident. Which reminds me: I've never once heard that Celine Dion song that supposedly won her theme song contest, back in -- sniff -- more optimistic days.

I know it looks like she's going to fight until the bitter end, and she probably will, but I think (and Thomas B. Edsall thinks) she has an opportunity in these next few weeks for a moment of grace and surprise that might even redeem the parts of the Clinton legacy (both hers and Bill's) that have been compromised in this race -- "race" being the operative word.

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