Saturday, December 15, 2007

Congressman Wexler's Sad Little Press Conference...

... about the quixotic dream of Cheney impeachment hearings.

It consisted of him, the guy who wrote a book on the subject, and maybe two or three other reporters.

But the guy who wrote a book on the subject made a good point on why this is the case.

Where was Kucinich, though? It's not like he's been invited to any debates lately.

DAVE LINDORFF: Let me follow that up. As you may know, I wrote the book, "The Case for Impeachment," with Barbara Olshansky.


LINDORFF: Since we've written it, we've been deluged with people asking us why isn't Congress acting; why is the media not -- you know, for instance, that book never got a single mainstream media review.


WEXLER: Is that so?

LINDORFF: Yes. And you know, people ask why is this; why is this?

And one of the things that people suggest -- and I wanted to bounce this off you -- is that both the leadership in Congress and the editors and reporters in the mainstream media have a fear that they are so complicit in the various issues that you've raised, you know, the spying, particularly the buildup to war, and even the outing of Valerie Plame, that -- in the case of the media -- that they don't want to see these things exposed the way they would be in impeachment hearings.

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