Saturday, August 11, 2007

(One month) older than my years...

... that's how I scored on the RealAge Test. I know this has been out a while, and I think I took it a few years ago, actually (and scored better, I think) but anyway, I guess it could be worse.
Positive factors included daily flossing, not smoking or eating much red meat, good BMI, education level, wearing my seatbelt and taking a vitamin every day.
Negatives included not enough exercise, never having lifted a weight in my life (okay, maybe once) not enough vitamin C, not enough Omega-3 (I try, but tuna has mercury in it and salmon is so darn expensive; back to stocking up on walnuts) and too small a social network.
Most of these things I knew, but good to have them reinforced, to motivate me to kick my age down to what I get mistaken for when ordering liquor (and not ordering liquor would probably kick it down even further, unless it's red wine ;)

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