Tuesday, May 08, 2007

Recommended Viewing: Outfoxed

I just saw this 2004 film, Outfoxed: Rupert Murdoch's War on Journalism, which popped out of the Netflix queue just in time to coincide with Murdoch's current bid for the Wall Street Journal, and to freak me out about the future of our society if the Bancroft family does eventually cave.
Be strong, Bancrofts!
One Fox coup I'd almost forgotten about (although it was probably mentioned in Fahrenheit 9/11, and I just have a short memory) was how instrumental they were in the 200o election by prematurely proclaiming Bush the winner at one point in the night, prompting the rest of the networks to desperately follow suit within minutes, not wanting to be scooped (accuracy be damned.) And that's not the only instance of the other networks following Fox's lead, sadly...

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