Saturday, May 19, 2007

Big Gulp: The Ashcroft Hospital Visit

Don't they have security in hospitals to keep people like Al Gonzales and Andrew Card away from vulnerable convalescents?

If you're like me and somehow missed the revelation of this story at a Tuesday congressional hearing, it bears repeating.

As Chuck Schumer said, it "makes you almost gulp."

And Jon Stewart's Latin American soap opera reenactment is pretty hilarious. On that note, I'll never be able to hear Ashcroft belt "Let the Eagle Soar" from now on without a sentimental tinge of respect, statue-drapings notwithstanding.

Seriously, though, I wonder if Ashcroft, whom his deputy Jim Comey described as being barely conscious at the time of the visit, ever has nightmares about those two looming apparitions at his bedside...

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