Sunday, June 29, 2008
Sy Hersh's Latest Scoop: Guess what, folks! We're goin' to Iran.
Reviled as they are, Cheney and company are still running the show, and they're making every last minute of their tenure count.
from The New Yorker: Preparing the Battlefield
Blogger Jane Hamsher & Libertarian Candidate Bob Barr Play Nice Over Shared Concerns
The last two minutes made my day.
Saturday, June 28, 2008
Mugabe's Calling Card
It's both inspiring and tragic what risks people will take just to place a vote. These are people who know the meaning of democracy, and want it desperately, and yet it is being brutally withheld from them.
Isn't there anything the international community can do to support these people?
Monday, June 23, 2008
Quote du Jour: George Carlin, RIP
Carlin told Playboy in 2005 that he looked forward to an afterlife where he could watch the decline of civilization on a "heavenly CNN."
"The world is a big theater-in-the round as far as I'm concerned, and I'd love to watch it spin itself into oblivion," he said. "Tune in and watch the human adventure."
Iconoclasts everywhere are gonna miss this guy.
Sunday, June 22, 2008
An Inside View from Zimbabwe...
from Sokwanele blog, which has been faithfully chronicling the whole catastrophic implosion of the country, including the gruesome violence of the past days.
Here's the AP story.
Friday, June 20, 2008
Quote du Jour: Semi-anonymous California Motorist
U.S. motorists brave Mexico border violence for fuel
"It's worth taking the risk even with the violence," said a retired California engineer named Terry, who declined to give his surname, as he filled his red Ford pick-up truck in Tijuana, over the border from San Diego. "I know they could kill me or kidnap me, but the cost of filling my tank in the United States is just too much," he said.
WTF? I thought for a second I was reading The Onion. I've heard a lot of people bellyaching about the price of gas since it passed the $4 mark, and I've done some bellyaching about it myself, with good reason, especially knowing how little the oil companies are suffering in all of this, but saving $100 a month is worth the genuine risk (based on the recent travel advisory for border areas like Tijuana) of being kidnapped or murdered? Some people are just much, much braver than I am.
Friday, June 13, 2008
Tim Russert, RIP
He knew how to get a tough interview out of anybody. He will truly be missed.
NBC's Tim Russert dead at 58.
Monday, June 09, 2008
Sunday, June 08, 2008
Quote du Jour: Bob Schieffer on Hillary's Swan Song
Finally today, Hillary Clinton made the speech of her life yesterday. She showed a grace all too rare in modern politics. And she set the right example for the young people who have worked so hard for her.
The Clintons have not had much practice at losing. And, until yesterday, that showed, in a not altogether flattering way.
But yesterday, it all changed. She offered no excuses. Instead, she said the race was over; the time had come to unite behind her opponent, for whom she said she would work her heart out.
She told her followers that she had not run to be the first woman president but had been a woman running for president, and that, the next time a woman runs, it will no longer be so remarkable.
As the father of two daughters and three granddaughters, I believe she's right about that. She lost this race, but she has advanced the cause of women everywhere.
In life, we lose more than we win. Sometimes it is losing, not winning, that brings out our best. Yesterday Hillary Clinton showed us her best.
Saturday, June 07, 2008
A little late, yeah, but...
Now it's up to her supporters to do the same.
So much for a eulogy from me. Let's just move on.
Monday, June 02, 2008
Mika B. to Terry McAuliffe: Put the Bottle Down...
Despite my official conversion to Obamamania, I'm gonna be sad to see her go. It's been a hell of a ride, and the eulogy is gonna be tough to write.
But with all the slip-ups McCain's been making lately (as in being off by several thousand on the number of troops in Iraq) it's time to focus on Dems vs. 'pubs again and get on with this thing.