Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Trust, but verify.

I can't count how many times I've heard politicians (particularly GOP presidential hopefuls) drop that Reagan quote in the last six months, but in the last six days, it's really peaked in the zeitgest. Now, even Democrats like Pat Leahy are using it.

Senate Judiciary Committee Chair Patrick Leahy at today's press conference on the latest subpoenas:
You know, I remember that sort of made-up saying, although I loved it, and President Reagan did it so well. I remember when he said, "Trust, but verify." It was a Russian slogan, even though nobody could find it.

But it's a wonderful slogan. And President Reagan was right on that, on arms control. He was right on that and so many other things.

So I consider myself a strong Reaganite here.

I trust, but I want to verify. And I want to verify under oath. I want to verify on the record. And I don't want to verify behind closed doors.

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